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Excellence in Education to the Glory of God
King's Education Group
011 100 5377
Community Service

As a school, we are committed to train up children who will leave and serve successfully as doctors, lawyers, architects, engineers and a diverse range of other professions. However, while we wish to prepare them to be highly competent in their chosen field, we want to do more than that. We strive to instil a culture of serving (loving God and serving those He loves – our fellow man) rather than the world’s emphasis on material gain.

In line with this philosophy, we expect every child in the High School to complete a quota of community service hours and to submit proof of this as a part of their Life Orientation portfolio.

As a school, we join hands with a few partner organisations, where children can volunteer become aware of the need and grow in compassion and mercy and generosity. Besides being an academic requirement, we are trusting that this programme will help our students to be outwarding – looking and aware of the great opportunities for us as Christians to be salt and light.

Our partner organisations are:

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